Saturday, November 3, 2012


Shadow is a very normal original phenomenon,but we don't really notice them in a daily basic.Shadow is something we often forgot, but we will start to remember if the shadow is having a connection with us, but only when we can also see the connection. When I think of shadow,I start to think about ghost. This month is also Halloween, so I took this picture around that time and try to make it scary. From what I imagine of ghost, they are an unattended shadow or shade was thought by some cultures to be similar to that of a ghost. People also believed as an alternative construct that shadows are in fact a representation of God's presence around an object; like a halo.Some early eastern beliefs also play to this theory. Speculative fiction occasionally features entities somehow made of shadow,such beings are almost invariably evil. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Momo! What a description of your foot. I love when people go deeper in their meanings and thoughts. See you tomorrow.
